Happy New Year 2015!
Paris, January 1st, 2015, 00.00am (Just in Time)
Happy New Year !!
Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Bonne Année !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Gott nytt år !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
Godt nytår !!
So, What’s New?
- Linutop XS Ultra Mini Computer fanless and energy efficient (3 Watts), ready to use.
- Linutop OS 14.04 For Desktop PC, Secure Internet Access, Signage…Try it on your own PC!
- Linutop 5 Mini PCs fanless and energy efficient.
- Linutop Kiosk software for digital Signage and Secure Internet access in public location
- Linutop TV : New Digital Signage Service over the web
Save the snow for the penguin: use energy efficient computing solutions!
recycle an old PC with linutop OS (and save money)!
Linutop Team is wishing you a Happy Green Year 2015!