Linutop LAMP server

Paris, February 29th, 2012, 11.45am

New Linutop OS 4.0 allows a Lamp Server installation in one click to host a web site.

Linutop Lamp Server can be used as a mini web server, in order to keep personal data in-house.

Linutop LAMP server:
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. This open source software combination is designed to host a web site.

In just one click your web site is ready to go on your local network, accessible from any web browser: PC, Tablet, smart phone…

Linutop LAMP server Key Benefits are:
- Quick installation (one click)
- Energy efficient Sever (8W on Linutop2) ideal for 24/24, 7/7 uses, designed for minimal processing power.
- Small, Silent (fanless) and robust.

Linutop mini PCs are ideal for mini web LAMP servers; it allows customers to securely share information with minimal maintenance costs. With Linutop OS a LAMP server can even run on a PC from a USB key!

Linutop OS Free Demo is available here! (compatible with PCs).

Linutop 4.0 is available for all Linutops 2&3 and PCs !

Linutop announced today the latest version of its operating system 4.0

This version, based on an lightweight and optimized version of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Gnome is now replacing Xfce)   includes  the new Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured internet kiosk or digital display.

It also support most of the PCs: Now wake up your old PC with a Linutop OS 4.0 USB key !

Linutop OS 4.0 Main features:

- Linutop Lock Security The system can be locked into read only mode, preventing alterations by viruses or other mishaps.  Its ability to recover its initial state at each startup also minimizes maintenance costs.

- Internet Kiosk Allows professionals (internet cafes, hotels…) to configure their homepages in full screen with toolbar or not, to block certain websites or to lock designated websites.

- Display Kiosk Allows professionals to easily (with drag n drop) configure playlist including time and order and support JPEG, URLs, folders and video files.

Key Benefits of the Linutop OS 4.0 are:

- Compatibility - Compatible with i386 PCs hardware.
- Security - full lock up of the system by password
- Small - Only 700Mo with all configured software and languages.
- Energy efficiency - Designed for minimal processing power.
- USB Back-up - The entire OS can be saved and booted on a USB key.

Linutop 2 and 3 come pre-installed with the new OS. Try it out with this free demo download.
Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.
For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.
Linutop OS 4.0 online installation is only 79 euros.
Press Release Linutop OS 4.0

Green PC?

Big energy saver, Linutop is a green computer

Power saver:
Linutop is made with the latest and greatest technology allowing maximum energy saving. With less than 8 watts (linutop 2) of power consumption it is one of the most energy efficient on the market.
Lightweight 580 gr (20 oz) and small linutop has a low energy footprint for it shipping.

Sustainable development:
No mobile parts, no weak parts, ability to lock the software in one state, will increase linutop life cycle and reduce its maintenance cost. Its low number of parts and small size will ultimately make it easier to recycle.

Green Computer

Paris, March 1st, 2009

Linutop meets the specification of green computer :

Power Saving:

Linutop implements the latest computer power saving technologies.

With less than 8 watts of power consumption it is one of the most energy efficient on the market.

Sustainable development:

The Linutop life cycle is increased and its maintenance cost is reduced because no mobile parts nor weak components are used inside.
Hence the waste generated is limited.

Its small size makes it easier to recycle and its light weight (580gr) (20 oz) reduces the environmental cost of shipping.

Linutop was awarded the TIC21 price for sustainable innovation 2007

Linutop is now Linutop 2.4!

Paris, February 3rd, 2009

Linutop is pleased to announce today Linutop 2.4 the latest version of Linutop.

Linutop OS 2.4 now includes :

- Remote management (Demo)

- It can be used as a thin client

- USB key back up

- wifi USB key network manager

as well as:

- Firefox 3.0

- Open Office 2.4

- Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron.

Press release.

Informations about Linutop

Exhibition and conferences

The 29 , 30 and 31 january 2008

CNIT – Paris La Défense

Opening hours:

29 january 9 am to 6 pm

30 january 9 am to 6 pm

31 january 9 am to 6 pm

Linutop Booth F22 

See you there!

Linutop awarded The TIC21 price for sustainable innovation 2007!

30th and 31st October, 2007 – Valenciennes

TIC21 was founded with the conviction that new technologies and the information society are major levers in generating a development respecting the people and the natural resources.

With 400 participants, 100 renowned speakers and international specialists, the International Forum is a leading event amongst the meetings organised by TIC21, and its partners. Bringing together businesses, local authorities, institutions, associations, NGOs, the media, universities, researchers and analysts, the TIC21 Forum will produce an unprecedented gathering of different groups.


Paris, January 1st, 2007

Welcome to our new web site.

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