Happy New Year 2012!

Paris, January 1st, 2012, 00.00am (Just in Time)
Happy New Year !!
Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Bonne Année !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Gott nytt år !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
Godt nytår !!
So, What’s New?? - Linutop OS & Linutop Kiosk For Digital Signage Or Secure Internet Access.

Linutop LAMP server

Paris, February 29th, 2012, 11.45am

New Linutop OS 4.0 allows a Lamp Server installation in one click to host a web site.

Linutop Lamp Server can be used as a mini web server, in order to keep personal data in-house.

Linutop LAMP server:
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. This open source software combination is designed to host a web site.

In just one click your web site is ready to go on your local network, accessible from any web browser: PC, Tablet, smart phone…

Linutop LAMP server Key Benefits are:
- Quick installation (one click)
- Energy efficient Sever (8W on Linutop2) ideal for 24/24, 7/7 uses, designed for minimal processing power.
- Small, Silent (fanless) and robust.

Linutop mini PCs are ideal for mini web LAMP servers; it allows customers to securely share information with minimal maintenance costs. With Linutop OS a LAMP server can even run on a PC from a USB key!

Linutop OS Free Demo is available here! (compatible with PCs).