Naviguez en toute sécurité avec Linutop OS !

Maintenant disponible sur PC et Raspberry Pi

Linutop OS est basé sur l’environnement graphique “XFCE” et Linux, il offre une sécurité renforcée.

Idéal pour des utilisations professionnelles:

- Affichage dynamique (Page web, Vidéo, image, PDF…)

- Kiosque Internet (Accès publique, sécurisé)

Configurez votre système en quelques clics.

Essayez-le dès maintenant !

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

Digital Signage – Seattle Department Of Transportation

Seattle, 04 November, 14.00pm

Seattle’s Third Avenue bus stops are among the busiest in the region: one bus stop may serve up to 15 bus lines and can average up to 4000 boardings on a typical weekday.
In order to provide users with a better service, Seattle DOT is deploying a variety of real time transit information around the city.
Local businesses and organizations on Third Avenue have contributed in making the deployment of Linutop systems very simple by hosting the power efficient PCs along with the 40” LCD monitors in their windows.

Click here for the complete Seattle DOT article.

Linutop OS demo available below, allows you to create very easily a Digital Signage solution thanks to “Linutop Kiosk” software.

Linutop OS

Linutop 5 mini PC is available!

We’re happy to announce the new Linutop 5, Smaller, silent, energy efficient:
Perfect for secure Intenet acess or silent desktop.

  • Silent (fanless )with no moving part
  • Small ans light (602g 1.3lb)
  • Energy efficient (<14w)
  • Cost Efficient maintenance free with linutop lock.
  • Can be mounted on the back of a  screen (VESA)
  • Room for 2”5 SATA internal hard disk with HD KIT

The new Linutop 5 is powered by Linutop OS 5 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu distribution 12.04 LTS including Internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key .

Boot time below 46 s.
The brochure and the quick userguide (pdf) .
The new Linutop 5 is available on Linutop Shop

Happy New Year 2012!

Paris, January 1st, 2012, 00.00am (Just in Time)
Happy New Year !!
Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Bonne Année !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Gott nytt år !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
Godt nytår !!
So, What’s New?? - Linutop OS & Linutop Kiosk For Digital Signage Or Secure Internet Access.